Chrome Pointer Hubuki Subs, [Hubuki]: 09/22/12

Sep 22, 2012

DC Movie 16 Part 3 & 4

It's finally done! Enjoy~

DC 670 Translation

I'm am busy starting school this week, so I will be slow on this release. You guys can try timing if you want. You don't have to. My estimated time would be Thursday, not sure, it could change.

Update: Bad news fellow fans. Since I'm dorming at my college, I won't be able to upload Conan unless I walk to a free wifi place. I can't upload/download copyrighted things and I'm not taking chances. I don't want to walk all the way to upload since I'm lazy. I'll upload new episodes whenever I go back home, probably Friday nights. Sorry about that.

Sept. 28, 10:17 P.M.: Uploading it guys.
