Chrome Pointer Hubuki Subs, [Hubuki]: DC 680 Translations

Dec 18, 2012

DC 680 Translations

I'll add the links to the download and stuff later. I don't know when. On the other hand, I'll be working on 680.

Dec. 18, 4:19 P.M.: 10% translated. going to use filecloud and switch it with mediafire since it's deleting my files for violation... -__-

Dec. 19, 6:52 P.M.: 40% translated. finally finished editing and uploaded links for both 678 and 679 for all the people who have been asking...

Dec. 19, 9:10 P.M.: 70% translated.

Dec. 19, 11:46 P.M.: 95% translated.

Dec. 20, 4:39 P.M.: finished translating, now editing.

Dec. 21, 8:11 P.M.: encoding now. will be up by this Saturday.



  1. thanks for the hard work!

  2. Thank you Hubuki for all of your efforts and great work ^^.

  3. domo arigato gozaimas hubuki-chan ^_^

  4. i suggest embedupload.. :)

    or its a french site and it is fast... :)

    if not, keep on using MF, it is the best mirror for me

  5. Hubuki please subrip?????please

    1. That's just what you guys know , subrip subrip subrip !!
      don't you even thank him once ?

  6. thank you very much!! :)

  7. hubuki thanks for detective conan
    but where its DC678 HD suddenly uploaded the first 679
    What is still no improvement anymore?
    but great job. You're is the best, i like it

  8. Thanks for the hard work and keeping with DC (^-^)

  9. When will you give the episodes of DC to KaitouFS? I'm just asking because recently KaitouFS did not release any episodes of DC. The last release is the Magic Kaitou 10.

    1. I always hand them to him right when i finish. it's up to him when he releases his, so i have no clue when he will release his.

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  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hello Hubuki, your translation is awesome. My name is Nesma from Egypt. Do you know that Arabic Conan is based on your translation ? As Arabs don't understand Japanese, so I wanted to thank u very much for your hard work. May be we can co-operate , what's your opinion about that ? I'm waiting your answer whatever it is , Thanks in advance.

  13. thx for all your hard work subbing new episodes :)

    i just wanted to warn you about rapidshare: the site disabled the sharing feature since november 28 which basically means that you can download only what you uploaded so i hope you don't bother yourself uploading to that site (you can check this in the site's news). i would recommend embedupload or any other website that gives you the ability to upload to many hosts in the same time, anyway it's your choice ^^ and thx again
