Chrome Pointer Hubuki Subs, [Hubuki]: DC 672 Translation

Oct 24, 2012

DC 672 Translation

I'm working on 672 first, then 673(mayb). Kaitou timed it, so I just have to translate it. I finished about 25% of it. =P It's nice that someone else is subbing it, but... you know... the details are getting left out and some are just plain wrong. It just gets on my nerves, imo. LOL. xD No offense. I think I'll be done  this Thursday or Friday. Posted up a new poll.

Oct. 25, 9:44 A.M.: 70% Translated.

Oct. 25, 4:41 P.M.: Finished translating and now encoding.



  1. hahaha you're so right man xD
    and many groups use this ... not so well translated version to do one in their mother tongue. you might guess how THAT version is ending up then.
    and i personally find your tarnslations great, you don't use too complicated Englsih, so i don't have to look up too much words or whatev. if i translate it to German c:

  2. You're already almost done so I guess you'll release it anyways, but I thought I'd mention that M-L just released this episode for those interested. On a related note, they are looking for more translators, why don't you try to join up with them for the overall benefit of the community?

    1. I don't really feel like joining a group. Thanks for the heads up though.
